Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Boring PowerPoint? Blame not the tool.

It's not PowerPoint or the blue background that causes slumber, but badly structured, poorly communicated content that may in itself be of little value to the audience. Why we prefer to blame the tool rather than the presenter's inept use of it is beyond me.

We have all read (or partially read) many really badly written books, books with poorly structured content, books that are simply uninspired. But you don't hear people say that books are dull, or snicker about the narcotic effect of black text on white paper. Except perhaps in the context of e-learning where "page turner" has acquired a meaning quite the opposite of its meaning in a book context.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Godfrey,

To avoid boring PowerPoint presentations we came up with the idea of SpeedSliding!

It's free, anyone can download the template and do something useful with it :-)

Happy SpeedSliding!